• Air quality

  • Unfavorable

  • Weather

    • 4.2°C
    • 1026 hPa    100%
  • Recommended
    Staying at home (elderly, pregnant women, people with heart and respiratory diseases)
  • Not recommended
    walks outside
  • Not recommended
    physical activity outside
  • Limit
    driving a car
Average: (Last / 15m / 1h / 24h)

Primăria Huedin

Senzor donat de proiectul Strop de aer
Name Value Index
PM2.5 55 µg/m3 273% Medium
PM10 111 µg/m3 221% High
4.2 °C | 1026 hPa | 100%
Last update: 2025-02-10 11:41:34. Readings: 24.

Liceul Tehnologic "Vladeasa" Huedin

Senzor montat cu sprijinul Consiliului Civic Huedin
Pollution level:

There are no data

Liceul Teoretic "Octavian Goga" Huedin

Senzor montat cu sprijinul Consiliului Civic Huedin
Pollution level:

There are no data

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